Thursday, February 05, 2015

Some stuff

Hey look - it's 2015! I totally thought I'd have at least a few new posts up here by this point in the year, but, well, time flies. I do, however, have a plan to get more content up here very soon. Get ready. Something's about to hatch.

Until then, I thought it might be a good idea to drop in and share some news about some stuff. Feel free to put it in your head.

• I was recently interviewed over at author Lucas Mangum's blog. We talked about SuperGhost, art, and ice cream, and you can read it all right here.

• This Sunday night, I'll be doing another interview. But this one will be happening LIVE, using the magic of STREAMING VIDEO, and it will be TWO HOURS LONG. Can you imagine? The future is an amazing place. That takes place this Sunday, February 8th, at 8pm EST. Visit for that.

• Also, if you're on Goodreads, February is NBAS Month in the Bizarro Fiction Group - which basically means that there's a big group-read thing happening with all three of this year's New Bizarro Author Series books. Currently, everyone's reading Tom Lucas' Pax Titanus. Next week (starting this Sunday), it's all about SuperGhost. The following week, Brian Auspice's Deep Blue is the focus. There are discussion threads, AMAs, and giveaways too. So as soon as you're done reading this, I'd suggest heading over there to join in on the fun.

Anyway, I guess that's about it for now. But as I said, there's plenty more content on the way very soon. So don't stray too far.