Tuesday, September 01, 2015

SuperGhost September!

Well, folks... It’s time for one more big blowout SuperGhost promo.  

It’s time for SuperGhost September!

Two things:

1. I need to move some books. Like most writers, I want to find new readers. Plus, I'm nearing the end of my year in the New Bizarro Author Series, and I need to get SuperGhost into more eyeballs if I want to continue putting out weird books with my publisher.

2. I want to do some good in the world. I think most people do. And since I’m not raking in millions over here, I’ve got to explore my options and get creative.

So with those things in mind, here’s what’s happening:

For the entire month of September, I’ll be giving 100% of my author royalties from the sales of SuperGhost to charity.

Those of you who have already read the book know that several characters are amputees, suffering from phantom limb syndrome. So I've chosen to donate all my September royalties to the LIMBS FOR LIFE FOUNDATION, an organization that works to provide prosthetic limbs to amputees who cannot otherwise afford them.

(Read more about LFL and their Mission to help those who have lost limbs to disease, accidents, birth defects, and warfare, here).

And, of course, I'm going to try bribing you with some prizes. Such prizes!

So here's the deal: Buy SuperGhost (available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble), and email proof of purchase (a screenshot of your receipt, for example) to drgriffinrains@gmail.com, and you'll receive 2 entries for the drawing of prizes. (By the way, if you buy via smile.amazon.com, you can ensure even more money goes to Limbs For Life).

Have you already purchased SuperGhost? Why thank you, beautiful person! Maybe it's time to review it for the masses! Put your thoughts into words and post a SuperGhost review to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, your blog, etc., and earn 1 entry per review posted (meaning you can post the review to multiple sites for multiple entries - although I would stress that Amazon and Goodreads are the best places for this, as more reviews on those sites make books more visible to more people). Of course, you'll need to email me the link(s) to your review(s) to earn those entries.

And finally, lets say you're one of the cool kids who's already read AND reviewed SuperGhost. You are a glorious individual, and deserve everything every fortune cookie has ever promised you. In the meantime, why not buy copies of SuperGhost for your friends and neighbors? Surely you know someone with a birthday in September. Or maybe you want to get your winter holiday shopping done early.

Or just help spread the word! Share the link to this post on social media. Tell your friends. Scream it from your roof. Or your neighbor's roof.

Okay. If you've read this far, you probably want to know what you can win. So without further ado, onto the prizes:

A plush SuperGhost keychain 
(3 available)
Custom-designed and made by Killin Me Softly. Andrea at KMS does some killer work - If you like horror movies and things that are adorable, I highly recommend checking out her wares.

A piece of Limited Edition SuperGhost Phantom Limb Candy 
(3 available)
Individually numbered. Only 25 of these exist, and these are the last 3 pieces I’ll be giving away as prizes.

A print copy of The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #11 
(3 available)
Featuring my story “Violins For Sale”, along with work by Ryan Harding, Garrett Cook, Robert Devereaux, Michael Allen Rose, Alan M. Clark, Andrew Goldfarb, a profile on Edward Lee, and more.

A set of chapbooks by yours truly 
(3 sets available)
Each set includes 3 Stories, 2 More Stories, and the Dates minicomic (with art by Amze Emmons).

The Mega-Bizarro Book Pile
A mystery stack of 5 bizarro books by other authors, all from my own collection. The titles will remain a mystery until you receive the box, but trust me, it's good, weird stuff.

That's 13 (count 'em, 13!) prizes. And I'll ship them anywhere in the world.

Once all the entries have been collected, I'll choose names randomly and start distributing the prizes. The first name picked gets their choice of the lot, the second person gets to choose from the remaining 12 prizes, and so on down the line.

Good luck everyone! Hope you enjoy SuperGhost!